Painting Technique, photo: Babette Bangemann

Painting Technique

The painting technique workshop at the 体球网,足球比分网体球网,足球比分网 enables students to learn the priming of various painting grounds. This includes stretching canvases as well as the basics of classic painting techniques such as color production, gilding, the lamination of paper on canvas, the production of various painting mediums, and experimental priming. In the Painting Technique workshop, individual students are provided with personalized supervision, in conjunction with the other workshops at the Kunstakademie.

The workshop is also available for questions regarding conservation and restoration.

Zur Zeit stehen für die Werkstatt der Maltechnik keine besonderen Termine oder Veranstaltungen an.

Kirsten Lampert

Dozentin an einer Kunsthochschule
Raum 314
Tel.: 0211/1396-283
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">kirsten.lampert [​at​]